Historyfest 2008
A period photographer prepares his camera for taking tin-type pictures.

A tin type picture taken at History Fest.

Young reinactors play "graces," a game to teach young girls the art of being graceful.

A child reinactor plays with a hoop and stick. (Photo courtesy of the Bedford Times-Mail.)

A Native American group sings for an audience at History Fest.

A country gospel group performs at History Fest.

Civil War Reinactment
Union troops fire upon the Confederate troops.

Civil War Reinactment
Confederate soldiers return cannon fire.

Civil War Reinactment
Union troops storm the Confederate lines.

Civil War Reinactment
A captured Union soldier makes a plea for his life.

Civil War Reinactment
The soldier takes his chances and runs away under fire from the Confederate troops.

Civil War Reinactment
Union and Confederate soldiers lay wounded on the field after battle.

Civil War Reinactment
Reenactors stand at attention during an speech to attendees explaining historical reenactment.

Shootout at the OK Corral
A young History Fest attendee tries to beat Doc Holiday on the draw before the shootout at the OK Corrall (Photo courtesy of the Bedford Times-Mail).

Shootout at the OK Corral
Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp, Morgan Earp, and Virgil Earp head into the OK Corrall for the shootout.

Shootout at the OK Corral
The outlaws are confronted.

Shootout at the OK Corral
The shootout begins.

WWII Reinactment
WWII reenactors stage a battle. (photo courtesy Bedford Times-Mail)

WWII Reinactment
A reenactor portrays a WWII era German woman.

Wild West Hold-up
A stagecoach rides into town. Terry McKnight built the stagecoach and is the driver.

Wild West Hold-up
The hold-up begins.

Wild West Hold-up
The stagecoach is held up by outlaws. (Photo courtesy of the Bedford Times-Mail.)

Veterans Program
The American Legion at the head of the Parade of Veterans.

Veterans Program
Local veterans.

Veterans Program
Civil War reenactors.

Veterans Program
WWII reenactors.

Veterans Program
Ciivil War women reenactors.

Veterans Program
Wild West reenactors.

Veterans Program
Native American reenactors.

Veterans Program
Norm Taylor greets the veterans and audience at the History Fest veterans program.

Veterans Program
Veteran and Iwa Jima survivor Frank Walker is introduced at the veterans program.

1860s Baseball
Matt runs home.

1860s Baseball
Angie gets a hit.

1860s Baseball
Matt waits on a good pitch.

1860s Baseball
Smashing a ball to the fence....

1860s Baseball
Norm pitches for the other team's batter.

1860s Baseball
Matt and Angie watch from the dugout.

1860s Baseball
Jim wails a ball to the fence.

1860s Baseball
Umpire Lowell makes sure everyone plays fair.