Lawrence County Museum of History

Lawrence County Museum of History & Edward L. Hutton Research Library

Lawrence County Museum of History 15th Street entrance.​

Lawrence County Museum of History 15th Street entrance.​

About the Museum

The museum is housed in the 100 year old Hamer-Smith building at 929 15th Street in Bedford, Indiana. The Lawrence County Museum of History is home to many interesting artifacts that showcase the history and heritage of Lawrence County. Most of these are housed in the 2400 sq. ft. gallery. You will find the gallery cases arranged thematically with collections focusing on military history, antique clothing, school history, and many other topics.

To access the museum, you can park off-street in the large parking lot at the north entrance. Parking is also available on 15th street at the south entrance. The museum is handicap accessible at the north entrance and there is a spacious elevator and a staircase to reach the second floor library.

Museum Board Members

Rowena Cross-Najafi, President,
Brad Bough, Vice President,
Cassie Wheatley, Secretary,
Jim Buher, Treasurer,

Board members at large:
Samuel Arp II,
Becky Buher,
Deborah Craton,
Duane Embree,
Ken Hackney,
Lori Crecelius Roberts,
Jeff Routh,
Martha Turner,
Joe Voris,
Lisa Webb,
Kenny White, (812) 278-8585

Accessions Committee:
Becky Buher, Ken Hackney, Jeff Routh, Cassie Wheatley

 Museum 2005 Opening activities:

Read about the history of the Hamer-Smith building.
Read about the building restoration

Lawrence County Museum timeline

  • 1924 Roots of the Lawrence County Historical Museum began with Bedford’s centennial celebration in 1924. Mrs. Zora Askew was president.

  • 1931 Museum opened in the Courthouse basement. Mrs. Zora Askew became museum coordinator.

  • 1940 Lawrence County started paying for a full-time curator.

  • 1982 Lawrence County Historical Society and the Lawrence County Genealogical Society merged.

  • 1989 Incorporated as a 501-c3.

  • 2000 Purchased current building and 14th St. parking lot.

  • 2001 Renovations began on the Hamer-Smith Building.

  • 2002 Museum moved temporarily into the J.C. Penney building on NE corner of 15th and J Streets.

  • 2005 Opening date for the 12,000 sq. ft. Museum and Library.

  • 2008 100th anniversary of the Hamer-Smith Building.

The north entrance is located near the large off-street parking lot.

The north entrance is located near the large off-street parking lot.

929 15th Street, Bedford, IN 47421  |  (812) 278-8575  | | Tues-Fri: 9-4, Sat: 9-3