Homicide at Hunky Town
2021—The annual Historic Walk, Haunted Talk and Light Supper was held on October 29 in Mitchell, Ind. The event started at Lehigh Field on West Main Street between First and Meridian Streets. During the walk, the March 1914 murder of Lehigh watchman Harvey Hart was explored through the first-hand accounts of costumed re-enactors. Following the walk, the group reconvened for a light supper and a presentation by Believe Paranormal of their research into the Hart murder.
In 1914—A group of company houses located in Lehigh field near the entrance to Lehigh Cement Plant was commonly called Hunky Town. The people living there were usually immigrants who came to Mitchell to work at the cement plant.
Re-enactors: (left to right) Robert Gregory Baker played Sheriff Sitler, John Drier was Prosecutor John H. Underwood, Lewis Maudlin played murder suspect Zach Wood, Aaron Baker played the part of Mitchell Mayor Calvin Faris, Emily Webb played Hunky Town resident Birdie Taylor, Lisa French was Hunky Town agitator, Kate Nicholson, Andrew Davidson, played Moses Hart, son of murder victim Harvey Hart
Vintage pictures of Lehigh Cement Plant, train at a Mitchell depot, and one of the Hunky Town houses.
(At right) Volunteers Rowena Cross-Najafi and Jeff Routh were two of the narrators for the event.