Brain Games 2023
The victorious Ferguson-Lee Chapel team —Seated left to right: Brian Hawkins (Captain), Sara Goodwin, Jeffrey Roberts, Jane Goodwin, Tim Goodwin. Standing: Mary Stalcup, Tim Thompson (Master of Ceremonies).
museum fundraiser Braingames 2023…
Brain Games XX—May 2, 4. 9, 11, 2023
Congratulations to Ferguson-Lee Chapel on winning their second consecutive (and seventh in total) Brain Games! Here's how they got there:
In the first round of play on May 11, Ferguson-Lee defeated the Greg Pittman, Attorney at Law "Bedford First Baptist #2" team 180-70. Pynco 2 overcame the Bedford Hiking Club 130-100. In Game 3, Rodney Fish & Family "MHS Teachers" tied with Bedford Federal Savings Bank "Sherwood Oaks Christian Church" 150-150, then beat them in overtime 170-150. Game 4 was another nail-biter, as Copy Trolley tied with Inklings Bookstore 130-130, then pulled ahead in overtime to win 150-130.
In the semifinal round, Ferguson-Lee defeated Pynco 2 100-60, and Rodney Fish & Family "MHS Teachers" prevailed over Copy Trolley 110-40.
This left only the championship game to play. It was fairly close the whole twelve minutes, but Ferguson-Lee caught the lead and held onto it, beating the Rodney Fish "MHS Teachers" 110-90. The trophy will be heading back to Ferguson-Lee Chapel this week, where it will spend another year on display.
We would like to thank everyone, sponsors, players, volunteers, and people who came to cheer us on, for their help in making the 20th Anniversary Brain Games a success!
The museum would also like to thank the City of Bedford, and Linda Henderson specifically, for allowing us to use Brinegar Hall at the StoneGate Arts and Education Center for the games. Special thanks go to our Masters of Ceremonies, Tim Thompson, our timer Jim Buher, our judges Ken Hackney, Sam Arp, and Brad Bough, and all the many volunteers who helped to make this event a success. Last but not least, thank you to everyone who played on a team! You all were great!